Communicative design
for quandaries in business

HIM Health Centres

Health Initiative for Men (HIM) operates five health centres in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, offering HIV testing, STI testing, counselling services, peer support, and free condoms for gay men. Prior to their expansion into five communities, their two health centres did not have a consistent identity system. When the East Vancouver location moved, we were offered the opportunity to rebrand the health centres.

Stationery package: HIM Health Centres

The chosen colour scheme reflects the HIM iconography for sexual and mental health services. Our brand goal: to create a welcoming, community-oriented feel.

Appointment cards: HIM Health Clinics

The health centre logos incorporate the existing HIM brand with street sign style text.

The border treatment represents a network of neighbourhood streets and reinforces the theme of community intersection.

HIM Health Centres branding: Fraser Valley

In 2014, the health centres expanded into the Fraser Valley. For the New Westminster and Surrey health centres, we evolved the brand to feature overlay photos of city landmarks and a reversed out version of the logo.

The brand evolution continues the theme of community and neighbourhood. By using the corporate HIM blue and grey tones, we differentiated from the Vancouver locations materials, and ensured these new health centres would still appeal to a slightly more conservative audience.

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